

a myriad of fatelessness of an idiotic existential self who strives (but not THAT hard) to be a writer.
vaguely kafkaesque in contents, seize the day nevertheless.
do not let me revive posthumously.

i dig...

Online Library of Liberty
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    2006 © si tolol
    site design/layout 2006© mel
    original art(s) from DaDa Online

    Untitled II {Poetry} 
    “Mere reflection of light,”
    All fairest beauty falls unto;
    duelling trusting words, tomorrows’ picnic going panic, ditty laughters, eyes caught sight…

    Silence swingsinging vastly spaceout;
    sightseeing Van Goghesque alzheimeric erudity possibly you and I, doubt.

    I should have kissed here
    at the shadow in the dark first descended
    Thence there she stood idol revered
    I dream I dear

    Untitled {Poetry} 
    Hell the stairs are winding heading into a war full of butterflies and satans with ponds turn as lakes eating innocent souls rabbit rabbi ribbit mumbling can’t talk can‎’t stop can’t be dull lullaby dream of you naked hugging toy looks like him/me/I was there burn burn burn like a witch am giggling am not you don’t like me.

    Refuting {Poetry} 

    One’s another word for dream: failure
    I’d like to think of it as subject of a bohemic epicure
    Who has lost his taste for art and succumbing into whatsoever love films
    imprisioned by scribbling words of Neruda, Whitman, and/or whosoever pseudo poet de jure
    intoxicated drunken sensation of holy holy holy CRUSH

    this shielded fort is slowly collapsing
    flanked attacked side forthwith with just one feeling
    God or rather Burroughs slays THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR FUCKING